The Importance Of The Hijab During The Olympics

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Originating in ancient Greece the Olympic Games first started in the year 1896. This first competition between countries has started multiple legacies and helped create a large array of historic events. The bringing together of these multiple countries and the different cultures each one country represents help spread the awareness of each country and there beliefs. Staring in ancient times the depiction of these different races, cultures, and ethnicities coming together to compete live brought together different types of people that would usually never associate with one another. As time went on to our current Olympic Games these separate societies still don’t socialize with each other and aren’t aware of the social awareness the Olympic Games brings. …show more content…

Women Olympic athletes wearing the hijab during the Olympics was one of the most controversial subjects. While the hijab represents their culture and beliefs the rest of the world didn’t want them wearing it. The Olympics brought worldwide awareness to the importance of their culture and beliefs that their country as well as they themselves have towards their hijab. We can take into account how these woman are treated based of their appearance and beliefs and how bringing worldwide awareness to their problems might help better the