The Influence Of 9/11 On Airline Pilots

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Throughout the years we have seen many plane hijackings. 9/11 being one of the biggest attacks on America. A lot of these hijackings could not have been stopped or prevented because the passengers, airline crew, nor the pilot were able to protect themselves from these horrific incidents. Although somehow these hijackers find multiple ways to have and create weapons such as knives and bombs. Those things are then used to put fear in the passengers and anyone who get in their way. So if plane hijackings have happened in past history, and passengers aren 't allowed to carry the guns on a plane, then why aren 't pilots allowed to carry a gun for the planes safety or at least have them in a secure box in the cockpit that can only be accessed in an emergency? In my opinion all commercial pilots should be armed to defend themselves if something should happen like a hijacking or like most recently an airline employee being killed. …show more content…

Since 9/11 airport security has increased to prevent weapons from being brought on planes, but what about weapons that can slip through security that could lead to another potential terrorist attack? If something were to happen why don 't the pilots have something other than nothing to protect them and the passengers. Wouldn 't it be safer? Would 9/11 happened if there was an attempt to

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