The Law Of Bob Proctor's Success Story

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Bob Proctor, who was one of the success gurus in the movie "The Secret", has take it upon himself, with the help of Mary Morrissey, to teach people about the 11 Forgotten Laws (of attraction). There is really just one Law of Attraction, but it needs to be supplemented by the other 10 Laws. "The Secret" taught only the Law of Attraction. Among these others is the Law of Success. Bob Proctor says of the Law of Success, "No matter what you do, it is a success. You get a result. You may not like the result but it is a result nonetheless. Working with the Law of Success means acting in a certain way so that success is bound to happen. If not by education, then by experience and persistence. You can achieve more because you are born to achieve more. Do more right things than wrong things and success is inevitable." …show more content…

If you want to achieve ignorance, you will successfully do that. You will always successfully miss 100% of the shots you never take in a hockey game--and in life. The Law of Success says that whatever you do is going to work. Now, whether or not you do things well or poorly, do healthy things or unhealthy things, do things with quality or lack of quality, do things to make you attractive or unattractive, do things that make you rich or make you poor, is all up to you. But whatever you do, it's going to work. So choose what you do wisely, and choose wisely how you do it. You might have heard the saying, "Be careful what you pray for, because you're going to get it." That is all about the Law of Success. You will successfully attract whatever you set yourself up to attract. If you don't like the way your life is, just remember that you have successfully made it that way. Don't play the blame game. Don't look to the government for handouts. You made choices and you responded to certain things that happened to you in such a way that created your current