
The Leadership Of Abraham Lincoln During The Civil War

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Abraham Lincoln was a great leader and ended slavery. Abraham Lincoln was eminent, innovative, and made a long lasting impact on society and the world. Abraham Lincoln used his leadership skills to help end slavery and help the country through the Civil War.
The thing that made Abraham Lincoln eminent was how he fought for slavery also how he led the union to victory during the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln was a good leader that helped win the Civil War. He also was fighting to abolish slavery just because he knew that it was wrong. He fought a war for something he did not have to. Abraham Lincoln led the nation during the American Civil War (1861-1865), it was the worst event that ever happened in U.S history. Lincoln helped save the nation and keep the American Union from splitting apart during the war ( Holzer, 2023). “My paramount object is to save the union, and not either to save or destroy slavery”. “(Abraham Lincoln, 2001”). “Slavery is founded in the selfishness of man's nature’’. Thanks to Abraham Lincoln’s leadership, the United States Of America survived the Civil War.(“Capstone”,n.d). …show more content…

Back then, no one fought for slavery who was white. Then Abraham Lincoln came and fought for slavery and made an impact. Everyone else before him thought that slavery was good because they could get people to work for them and not themselves. Abraham Lincoln disagreed unlike a lot of other people. By 1865, Abraham Lincoln had become in the eyes of the world equal in importance to George Washington (“Holzer, 2023”). Abraham Lincoln became a very important world leader. Lincoln used his great writing and speech making abilities to get the word out to his people. “With malice toward none; with charity for all,” Americans could achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace’’. (“Abraham Lincoln,

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