
The Lord Of The Flies Book Report

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In the beginning of The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, a group of children are being flown out of Europe where a war is taking place. As they are flying over the ocean, their plane is shot down leaving them stranded on an uninhabited island. A large number of young boys survive this crash and are unsure of what to do. Eventually they realize they need a plan to survive. Later, two boys by the name of Ralph and Piggy find a shell laying on the ground. They decided to blow into it, creating a loud noise in hopes of gathering all the children together. All the children come together and decide Ralph will be their leader in their plan to survive. They also decide Jack will lead hunting and make sure they find food to eat. As the story …show more content…

The first and most obvious antagonist is Jack. Jack gets a thrill out of being alone on the island. He enjoys being able to curse, bully others, and hunt animals as he pleases. He loves the fact that his parents or other adults aren’t around to discipline him or set rules for him. Jack is kind of your stereotypical “bad boy” who doesn’t like to play by the rules. Jack is power hungry and represents savagery. As the story goes on, Jack becomes obsessed with hunting. He paints himself up like a Barbarian and eventually commands the death of some boys on the island. Personally, I dislike Jack because he stands for evil and savagery. I don’t respect his …show more content…

The one that really stood out is the idea of doing the right thing, even when no one is looking or you know there won’t be any consequences. That is part of the reason that I am so intrigued by Ralph. When you saw these boys without parents and authority, some of their true colors came out and you came to realize who they really were. For example, Jack and a number of other boys result to savagery, killing, and breaking every rule in the book. They try to incite fear and violence and succeed at it. On the contrary, some other boys, like Ralph, looked at this situation as an opportunity to lead and work for good. Ralph was a great leader and was always thinking of what wasd good for everyone. He wanted to keep signal fires and help the boys be rescued. This lesson is meant to inspire the reader to do the right thing in any situation even when nobody is watching. This is something you hear a lot growing up and it is a key element of character. This story really puts that idea to life and really lets it sink

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