The Lord Of The Flies Chapter Summary

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Once upon a time there were many school boys in a plane. The plane crashed on a island that had no adults on it. During the crash all the boys ended up all around the island. Two boys, a boy who is called Piggy and a boy named Ralph, found each other after the crash and decided that they needed to find the rest of the boys. Piggy sees a conch shell on the ground and remembers that you can use them to make a loud noise. Ralph figures out how to blow it and all the boys find them. They have their first meeting on the island. There is another boy named Jack who wants to be leader but all the other boy vote for Ralph. At the next meeting the boys decide that they need to have hunters to get meat. They also decide they need a fire so they can get rescued. During the meeting one of the younger boys says that he saw a beast. All the boys are scared but the older boys say that it is going to be okay. After the meeting they all went to the mountain to start a fire using Piggy’s glasses. The boys were careless and ended up burning down a large portion of the island. They also lot one of the little boys when the fire started. Jack sharpens a stick to hunt for pigs and goes looking for pigs while Ralph and Simon build huts. Ralph is upset because he is trying to build shelter but the boys are not helping and …show more content…

None of them notice that Simon is missing. Simon decided to climb the hill were the beast was. He sees that it was not a beast but that it is just a parachute tangled in rocks so he unties it and it flies away. He goes back down the hill were all the boys are. The boys at the feast are so excited and wild that they do not even notice Simon coming back. They think he is the scary beast and chase him away to the ocean. Simon runs away into the ocean and they never saw him again. After he disappears a there was a big boom from the thunder and all the boys ran back to there