The Main Causes Of World War II

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September 1, 1939, a day that would change the world forever, the day World War II began. The lasted 6 years and began with the invasion of Poland by Germany. This war involved not only Germany, but also most of Western Europe, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, Japan, China, and eventually the United States. The Second World War was one of the most gruesome wars until this day; it killed more people and destroyed more property than any other war in history.

There are many causes of the Second World War, and one of them is the Treaty of Versailles post World War I. After the First World War, various nations were divided into two groups. The Allied Powers, which consisted of France, Britain, Russia, and the United States, won the war. The second group was the Central Powers, who comprised of the German Empire and Austria-Hungary… After the war ended, the leaders of the big four, Italy, France, Russia, and Britain met at the Palace of Versailles in Paris, on June 28, 1919, to sign a peace treaty that held Germany responsible for the war and put military restrictions on them. This made the Germans very unhappy, and it also hurt national pride, so they felt that Adolf Hitler could bring back hope to the country, so they brought him to power. …show more content…

Nazism was a form of socialism, which is typically characterized by racism and expansionism. It demanded the obedience to a leader, and Hitler was that leader. When he rose to power, he gained two important allies: Italy and Japan, he started rebuilding Germany, and became Chancellor in

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