The Meaning Of Day In Genesis Analysis

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. Sadly most people would believe the previous statement to be true, that in this length of time, chance could make the changes needed to support evolution. But in reality chance can’t do anything, it is a just a mathematical possibility. Chance has no way to create or adjust anything, yet millions of people are willing to put their faith in it, rather than a Supreme Creator. According to the author, if one believes that chance is responsible for creating everything then one believes that “everything is entirely without meaning, without logic, and without reason” . This belief is the only philosophical one that fits within Naturalism. It stands to reason that if there was no creator, and everything just happened by randomness and chance then there would be no need for logic or reason. This philosophical ideology opposes both God and His Word. Genesis 1-2 gives a logical, reasonable …show more content…

The author points out that throughout the Old Testament the meaning of day is consistent: evening and morning, night and day. Each of the days of creation was the same length of time, 24 hours, one evening and one morning. The author supplies many examples of the use of day equaling a 24 hour time period. Not surprisingly the people who have the most difficulty accepting the literal 24 hour day are those who put science before all else, excluding the possibility of God doing what He said in Genesis 1.1-2.3. The phrase “in the beginning” is introduced in verse one. Many often wondering what is it the beginning of? According to the author it is the beginning of time. Before Genesis 1.1 there was no need for a measurement of time. God exist outside of time. So we know that God was not making time for Himself, instead He was giving us a measurement that would establish the pattern of life. Day, night, light, dark, weeks, months, seasons, all of these are marked by the time that He created in verse