
The Moon Research Paper

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A. The Moon The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. It is the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System. The distance from the center to the center is 384.403 km, which is about thirty times the diameter of Earth. The moon's diameter is 3,447 km, [1] which is slightly more than one-quarter of the world's diameter. It is the only celestial body mankind had walked on. The first artificial object that escaped from gravity and passed near the Moon is Luna 1 of the Soviet Union. The first human structure that hit the lunar surface is the object Luna 2. The first photographs of the other face of the Moon, which is not normally visible, have been taken by the Luna 3. These three satellites were launched in 1959. Luna 9 is …show more content…

The Space Race became an important part of the cultural and technological competition between the USSR and the United States during the Cold War. Space technology was used as a tool in the efforts of two countries to morally collapse each other before a possible hot war.

C. Apollo 11 Against the clear supremacy that the Soviets had provided at the beginning of the Space Race, the United States sought a response. John F. Kennedy, sitting in the chair of the presidency in 1961, made it clear that he would attach significance to space studies throughout the election campaign. Not long after winning the election, he spoke at the congress, clarifying his chosen goal against the Soviets: “ I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish.” [3] The project that was started to reach the goal of sending people to the Moon and bringing them back was called Apollo.

C.1. The Main Crew [4]
Neil Armstrong, Commander
Buzz Aldrin, Lunar Module …show more content…

He flew 78 hours as a US Navy pilot over Korea. Armstrong applied to join the US space program as an astronaut and successfully passed the tests. He became the first man to walk on the moon in his month-long trip to Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969. He left NASA in 1971 and began working at the University of Cincinnati. Until 1979 he worked as a professor in the department of space engineering. From 1985 to 1986 he served on the International Space Commission. In 1986 he was appointed the vice chairman of the research commission of the Challenger accident.

Who is Buzz Aldrin? [6] Edwin Eugene "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr. (January 20, 1930, Montclair, New Jersey) The American astronaut who is the second man to set foot on the Moon. In 1951 Buzz Aldrin graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point. In 1963, he completed his doctorate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was selected by NASA as a member of the spaceman. On July 20, 1969, Buzz Aldrin travelled to the Moon with the Apollo 11 mission. He left NASA in 1971 and the US Army in 1972 and worked as a technical consultant in the private sector. A krater and a meteorite on the Moon were named after him.

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