Ramaya Leadership Style

909 Words4 Pages

Keywords: Servant Leadership; Transformational Leadership; Level 5 Leadership, Valmiki Ramayana; Sri Rama; higher ideals; moral values; vision; inspirational motivation; idealized influence; intellectual stimulation; Relevance to modern Management.

This paper attempts to develop a conceptual framework of the multifaceted leadership portrayed by Rama in the timeless epic Ramayana. Though modern management theories are a product of 19th and 20th century management thinkers some of the most celebrated leadership styles have parallels in Rama’s reign. The three most pronounced styles are servant leadership, transformational leadership and level 5 leadership. It is important to know …show more content…

Transformational leaders are able to motivate their followers by propagating higher ideals and values. Unlike transactional leadership which highlights tasks, standards and outcomes, Transformational Leader creates and communicates an alluring vision for their organizations, society or country which inspires their followers to higher performance levels. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate followers to go beyond expectations by giving significance and rationale to their work (Shamir, 1991). Previous researchers (Bass, 1985, 1990; Bennis and Nanus, 1985; Bass and Avolio, 1989; Podsakoffetal., 1996) have identified the four characteristics of Transformational Leadership as …show more content…

It has produced timeless classics like Mahabharata and Ramayana which continue to provide guidance to generations of human beings. Ramayana, which means journey of Rama, written thousands of years before management theories came into being is a treasure trove of eastern management philosophy which presents certain leadership models which are relevant even today. Known as the ‘adi kavya’ or the first poetic work, Ramayana provides example of power and politics in organizations, creating synergy, managing in times of change and upheaval, subjugating personal goals and objectives to organizational objectives, communication, teamwork, innovative strategy and many other managerial concepts and constructs. Among these the characterization of Rama, the builder of Rama Rajya the ideal state and his distinctive leadership styles and practices stand