The Negative Effects Of Standardized Testing In The United States

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Standardized Testing
Standardized testing has been around for decades. The No Child Left Behind Act says “Students must be tested annually in reading and math in grades 3 through 8 and at least once in grades 10 through 12” (GreatSchools Staff | March 8, 2016 Print article 2016) . Around the time of testing students feel pressured and tend to stress themselves out. This form of testing should be replaced with another assessment because it has affected students and teachers in a negative way, without these test students will be more motivated to further their education past high school. Although some people say standardized testing is a good way to measure a child 's performance, there are some negative effects that come with it. For example, during the time of testing students feel stressed and overwhelmed when studying. Studying and testing bring anxiety to even the “brightest students. When it’s time for testing students tend to skip meals and stay up at night studying before the tests, this causes them to run on a few hours of sleep. According to Washington (CBS 2015) students study from 20-25 hours every year, this is not including the time spent preparing for the test, quizzes taken in class, and tests for math, reading, and science. A student takes an average of 112 standardized tests between pre-k to 12th grade. In 2015 president Barack Obama wanted to take a stand on standardized testing. He came up with new guidelines for standardized testing. He’s saying kids