Arguments Against Standardized Testing

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Picture a student sitting in a small desk, trying to recall the multiple hours of studying from the night before. They forced an entire school career of knowledge and learning into one test and have a tremendous amount of pressure on their shoulders. Standardized tests require learning and preparation which requires students to use empty skills of memorization while leaving out the critical skills wanted for the workforce. Without the stress on science and social skills for the workforce, students don’t receive the proper education. Standardized tests consist of tests taken by students that reflect their knowledge in a subject. Typically Math, Reading, and Writing, standardized tests consist of a timed test with around 40-50 questions on average. Although standardized tests can easily evaluate students, ultimately, standardized tests don’t benefit the student because kids perform worse under pressure, teachers only teach the skills required for the test, and the tests don’t fully reflect the potential of the student. Standardized tests become daunting in the eyes of the student which results in stress and lower test scores. Students develop anxiety in order to remember …show more content…

Standardized tests only evaluate the individual performance of the student instead of the growth throughout the year. Tests only determine the proficiency of the student on the day of the exam. A large measure of people simply can’t perform well on tests even though they have full comprehension and can understand the content. Test anxiety can play a huge factor in whether the student can perform well. Also, some external factors can take place around the same time of the test. For example, if a student had a death in the family recently or if they have sports every night, they might not do well on the test due to lack of time or