The Paleo Diet Analysis

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Introduction: The Paleo Diet: The paleo diet is one of the most publicised weight loss diets, encouraging modern day individuals to follow similar dietary patterns to that of early man in the Palaeolithic era. It was initially devised by gastroenterologist Walter Voegtlin in 1970 to prevent chronic disease, and was later publicised as a weight loss diet by Loren Cordain through his book The Paleo Diet published in 2002 (Wikipedia, 2015). The diet recommends that energy should be derived from natural food sources such as fats, protein, vegetables and fruits, and intake of carbohydrate should be severely restricted, eliminating whole grains and cereal products. It additionally excludes the consumption of dairy products, legumes, soy, potatoes …show more content…

RDI values suggest that around 1000mg of calcium should be consumed per day. This diet provides an average of 371.53mg per day, less than 50% of the recommended amount [refer to Graph 1], meaning the intake of calcium is significantly lacking. Insufficient intake of calcium could lead to the reabsorption of skeletal calcium, leading to osteoporosis in the long term (MelinePlus, 2015). Sodium is required in the diet to assist in the contraction and relaxation of muscle, and work with potassium to control fluids entering and leaving cells. RDI values suggest that 460-920mg should be consumed per day. The diet provides on average 1295.14mg per day meaning slightly excessive amounts of sodium are being consumed, however it is well beneath the upper limit of 2300mg per day. Thiamin is required in the diet to assist in the conversion of carbohydrates to energy, muscle contraction, and conduction of nerve signals (MedlinePlus, 2015). RDI values for thiamin suggest that 1.2mg of thiamin should be consumed per day. This diet provides an average of 0.79mg per day, less than 50% of the recommended amount [refer to Graph 1]. Inadequate intake of thiamin may lead to weakness and fatigue, or nerve damage (MedlinePlus,

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