The Parthenon In Athens

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The Parthenon in Athens and the Pantheon in Rome
In 500-323 B.C. Which is the classical age of Greek Civilization? During this time, they gain more strength after being victorious over the Persians (Peace treaty in 449 B.C.). Democracy as a form of government was developed in Athens as a virtue for individual citizens in a society where individuals are treated equal, also they still worship and reference their gods.
The Greeks place so much importance to their past because they use it as motivation to reach a greater height in the future, this is based on their culture and as a value for humans. Greeks believe in an ethical system that centers on human and their values, needs, interests, abilities, dignity and freedom (Humanism). Humanism as …show more content…

Pericles was the mentor of this particular building project and the great magnificent statue of Athena was built with marble and gold by Phedias.
Becoming one of the most important symbols of Athena is the Parthenon building which not only function as a religious temple in honor of Athena but also as a symbol of cultural wealth and designed to honor democracy (the people voted in favor of the construction). Hadingham (2008) states that “Several scholars have argued that the frieze shows a procession related to the quadrennial great Panathenaia or the festival “of all the Athenians” By incorporating this scene of civic celebration. The Parthenon served not merely as an imperial propaganda statement …show more content…

Cartwright (2012) lay much emphases on those details clearly ahead of time, “The temple measure 30.88 m by 69.5 m and was constructed using a 4:9 ratio of the diameter of the columns in relation to the space between columns, the height of the building in relation to its width, and the width of the inner cella in relation to its length. Other sophisticated architectural techniques were used to combat the problem that anything on that scale of size when perfectly straight seen from a distance to be curved. To give the illusion of the true, the columns lean over so slightly inwards, a feature which also gives a lifting effect to the building making it appear lighter than its construction material would suggest. Also, the stylobate or floor of the temple is not exactly flat but rises slightly in the center. The columns also have entasis, that is, a slight fattening in the middle, and the four corner columns are imperceptibly faster than the other