Greek Architecture: The Temple Of Zeus And The Parthenon

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Greece is well known for its works of architecture such as the Temple of Zeus and the Parthenon. Trade brought an influx of new and reimagined design to the front doors of Greece. Older works of architecture where made of wood and mud-brick. These didn’t seem to be a permanent structure more like a base for future references. As time progressed so did the architecture, more building, temples, and homes sprouted across Greece and became more permanent. They started using marble and limestone to produce their designs. This became more common throughout the Greek city-states. Sculpture became part of architecture to show the composite view ideas of the body’s. For example the Temple of Artemis has Gorgons Sculptures that come from the banister or the face of the temples entrance. As time moved on so did the improvements of architectural design. Orientalizing Period in Greece started in 700BCE and ended in 600BCE. This marked the start of Greek architecture due to the huge influx of trade which brought in new ideas from Egypt and NE. “Greeks attributed almost all of the great achievements to Daedalus-master of all arts Daedalic style.” Also trade brought Greeks into direct contact with monumental stone architecture. Greeks began to visit Egypt regularly, and as they observed the stone buildings they realized the genesis of the Egyptians development of monumental architecture and sculpture. They decided to start with the replacement of wooden pillars with stone ones and the