The Play Sparknotes

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After having read the whole play, I would say that I can only feel pity for Jo, who seems to be a victim of the negligence by her mother. Jo is an abandoned teenager who does not know what course to give her life, and feels rejected in all senses by Helen. To begin with, the girl is left alone by her mother in every aspect of her life, from the simplest thing as her education to the complex one of giving the right piece of advice or paying attention to what Jo feels and needs. As Helen is a prostitute and seems to worry only about herself, she feels envy for her daughter, who is beautiful and young. Giving this situation, Helen tries to ruin Jo’s life as well as hers has been ruined, taking advantage if every situation to make her daughter notice she is a nuisance to her mother: “You can’t sing, can you? Anyway, it’s your life, ruin it you own way. It’s a waste of time interfering with other people, …show more content…

I’m sick of you. You’ve made my life a misery (…).” in this part of the play Jo lets her mother know that she has abandoned her, and that she wants to go away from her as soon as possible, no matter what she has to do to get money. Helen seems not to worry at all about this, and instead she laughs at Jo as if she were incapable of performing any job or studying any discipline. Helen is always telling her daughter that she has no chances in life of being happy, and that Jo herself has been a mistake in her own life, which she regrets every day of it. What is more, Helen blames her daughter, who in the past has been an unwanted extramarital pregnancy, for her own divorce: “At the time I had nothing better to do. Then he divorced me; that was your fault.” in this part of the play, Helen tells Jo how she has got pregnant from a man who was not her husband, and as he has divorced her for that, she intends to blame her own daughter for her own