
The Power Mac G4 Cube Won A Place In The Museum Of Modern Art

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Twenty First Century Macs
November 12, 2015

The Power Mac G4 Cube won a place in the Museum of Modern Art. But, it never sold even a fraction of the number Apple anticipated it would sell. Steve Jobs was learning from his mistakes and began to consider costs and practicality in designing products such as the iPod. He also had a complex relationship with money, sometimes working for $1 a year and other times demanding enormous stock grants.

So, one project gone wrong. The power mac wasn’t a success like they thought it was going to be. This is how Steve learned that design and cost matter. The iPod was the example for that. Again, he was a weird man. He worked for a dollar and then asked for big sums of money. Why?!

Round One
November 12, …show more content…

Another great idea and visionary idea from Steve. The iPhone until now is huge. I dare to say is the biggest cellphone seller. I have no idea about technology but the iPhone is great. Is not that expensive and its amazing to have.

The Cancer Returns
November 12, 2015

The cancer returned in the spring of 2008, and because Steve insisted on his diet of certain fruits and vegetables, he lost over 40 pounds. He eventually got a liver transplant in Memphis that year. Steve also thought about not being indispensable to Apple, since the company’s stock price had risen from $80 to $140 by the time he announced his return.

The cancer is back. He still wanted to try his weird diets. I still believe that it was the biggest mistake. That make him look like he was literally dying and it was really hard to see. Thinking that because he had cancer he was not important to apple must have be hard to realized for him since he was the CEO and the head of Apple.

The Ipad
November 12, 2015

The iPad launched in January of 2010. Apple sold over a million iPads in the first month, and fifteen million in the first 9 months. His team also convinced him to allow developers to write applications, which would create a whole new industry overnight. Steve Jobs also expressed interest in neXt turning his attention to education and the textbook …show more content…

His relationship with his other daughters wasn’t as strong. Steve met with President Obama in 2010. He continued to fight his cancer as well as his own eating disorders. He would be one of the first in 20 people in the world to have their DNA sequenced. He formally quit from Apple in August of 2011. He helped with a smooth transition of power to new CEO Tim Cook.

And the cancer is back. He was a good father to his son but not so good of a dad to his daughters? Shouldn’t it be the opposite? The cancer is back for a third and last time and yet he didn’t accept treatment. Maybe if he did, he would have lasted more that what he did. DNA sequenced? Never ever heard of that. It was probably the hardest thing to do to give up his position to Tim cook.

November 12, 2015

At Steve Jobs’ core was his incredible intensity, and everything he did in life was a product of that intensity. His insistence on integrated, closed systems cost Apple the PC market in the 80s and 90s, but it led to Apple’s resurgence in the last decade, and Apple surpassed Microsoft as the most valuable tech company in the world shortly before Jobs’

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