The Pros And Cons Of American Expansion

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The American countries were built out of the countries that conquered it and rebuilt over the constitution that they started. As the other countries expanded to the west, the west became a country itself and as a country, a country wants to expand. As the British, Spanish, and French empires expanded they also lost the lands, conveying the fact that the U.S. expanded slowly and made sure that none of the areas that they conquered would declare war over them for their safety and own laws. When the U.S. expanded they wanted to be sure that history doesn't repeat itself against themselves as they did. I argue that the American expansion was doing whatever a country should do, expand and upgrade, improve the culture, religion, and technology. The …show more content…

But there is always a good side to a bad side because when the U.S. got control over the Hawaiian islands they gave them more protection and a better law. For instance, in the article, Liliuokalani states that “After she attempted to establish a new constitution that would restore power to the monarchy and the Hawaiian people, a group known as the "Committee of Safety" staged a coup with the support of U.S. Minister John Stevens. Wishing to spare her people a bloody conflict, Liliuokalani stepped down but appealed to President Grover Cleveland to restore her to power. Despite his sympathy to her plight, the president’s efforts ultimately proved ineffective, and in 1894 annexationists established the Republic of Hawaii, with Sanford Dole named its first president.” This quote shows how the U.S. took over the islands of Hawaii and it was a very effective thing for the people there they wanted their power, not a power that rules the world, a power that makes peace. Similarly to that, it also states that “After establishing the "Oni para" (Stand Firm) movement to fight the annexation and making several more unsuccessful appeals to the U.S. government, Liliuokalani relented and lived out her life as a private citizen. She was granted a small pension by the provisional government, and on July 7, 1898, the Hawaiian Islands were officially annexed by the United States.” This quote shows that …show more content…

We already know that the countries in America allied to build the Panama Canal and other things. They funded each other with money and weapons to build up their alliance. For example, one of the articles states, “Shortly after ascending to the presidency, Roosevelt spoke of the Panama Canal in a speech to Congress. "No single great material work which remains to be undertaken on this continent," Roosevelt said, "is as of such consequence to the American people." Roosevelt acted quickly. In 1902, the United States reached an agreement to buy rights to the French canal property and equipment for a sum not to exceed $40 million. The U.S. then began negotiating a Panama treaty with Colombia. The U.S. Department of War would direct excavation. Many, both in the press and the public, sensed a scandal, or, worse yet, good money is thrown after bad.” This quote shows that they bought rights to the Panama canal and they had a treaty over the canal with other countries that were not in America. Another example is that it also states, “The Panama Canal opened officially on August 15, 1914. The world scarcely noticed. German troops were driving across Belgium toward Paris; the newspapers relegated Panama to their back pages. The greatest engineering project in the history of the world had been dwarfed by the totality of World