The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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Animal testing should be banned worldwide

Animal testing known as animal experimentation, is use of animals in experiments in biological, medical, and psychological studies to test products safety. Every year, all over the world millions of animals dies or undergoes painful suffering and experience physical and mental torture due to scientific practices and commercial testing (Claire, M n.d.). The main things that animals been tested are for cosmetics companies, household products and medicines (Animal Testing, 2014). According to F. Barbara Orlans data collected for her book, In the Name of Science: Issues in Responsible Animal Experimentation, sixty percent of all tested animals are used in biomedical research and product-safety testing …show more content…

More importantly, animal testing is harming living creatures for records that is not 100% reliable and this could ultimately lead to a dangerous effect for the results of the products (Animal Testing is Cruel, 2008). As a fact 92% of experimental drugs passed by animal tests immediately failed after first tried on humans because animal’s response to drugs can be different to a human’s also they were too dangerous or didn’t work (Why animal testing is pointless, 2013). According to neurologist Aysha Akhtar, over 100 stroke drugs have failed in humans after tested successful on animals, and over 85 HIV vaccines that were effective when tested on animals have failed in non-human primates (Animal Testing, 2014). In addition, due to serious or toxic adverse effects in humans, more than half of the few drugs approved are later withdrawn or relabelled. For example, in 2004 the arthritis drug Vioxx appeared to be safe in animal studies, but after causing over 60,000 deaths in U.S. was inhibited from the market. Also another example is stress that is routinely experienced by animals in labs negatively influences the reliability of animal research data. Which causes heart rate, pulse, blood pressure, muscular activity, and hormone levels (Animals in Research, 2014). To sum up, testing animals can be misleading because animal’s …show more content…

Those are includes computer simulators and imaging techniques, clinical research in vitro research that is in a test tube and others (Embar, W 2008). Many new technologies already available that can predict subtle risk that animal tests cannot and could be saving lives. Also it is a better way to promote human and animal health and safety than the cruel, outdated, and ineffective use of animals in research and testing (Animals in Research, 2014). To use the most reliably proved methods available, Governments should replace mandatory animal testing laws with an obligation. Government health services would save billions, patients would benefit, animals would be spared and free and pharmaceutical companies could develop safer medicines (Using animals to test drugs is out dated and unreliable, 2014). Consequently, choosing the alternative methods of research would seem to be a better decision. However, those companies won’t change to modern alternatives method as long as people support the research by buying the