The Pros And Cons Of Being An Electrician

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Introduction It was a hard decision for me what to choose for my senior project. I had a couple of good ideas but I wasn’t sure which one to choose because both of the ideas that I had were really one of the ideas was including the way to be an electrician and the other one was the differences between all the different types of police forces. At first, my initial idea was to research the study of electricians. This was one of the best ideas I had because I would like to be an electrician when I grow up .The only problem was that the mentor I choose would not be able to work for me due to that the mentor had to be someone that you don’t know and that is not part of your family so I tried to contact people that are electricians that are not related to …show more content…

Some cons that the military has that the other different kind of police forces is that the military has to stay in the country that the military is on, they can’t go home only every six months they can go visit their families. Another cons that the military has is that when the country goes to war the military has to fight for the country. The last police force that I’m going to talk about is the S.W.A.T. The swat is one of the most Different careers people can choose between being a officer, military or a sheriff. The swat has a lot of benefits and also a lot of cons. Some good things that the swat has different from the Other police forces is that being on the swat is a good thing because the swat gets paid really good compared to the other police force the swat gets paid between 70 to 80 thousand a year. Other benefits that the swat has is that they around all the places not like the sheriffs the military and the officers that stay in a certain place at all times. “Swat team are no longer found only in large crime areas.” (Michael Shank, 2013). This quote shows how the swat is a good team that can help any police