The Pros And Cons Of CRISPR-Cas9

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The Times Talk's topic this time around was CRISPR-Cas9. CRISPR-Cas9 is a widely used genome editing technique that is already widely used in laboratory studies. This means that it can easily alter an organism's DNA, almost like a computer can edit a word in a document. CRISPR-Cas9 has many uses, including but not limited to: drug development, animal models, genetic variation, materials, food, fuel, and genetic surgery. Rewriting DNA means that we can finally fix flawed genes in people, which opens up the door for treating, or potentially curing diseases. However, these modifications may come at an unknown cost. Many fear that genetic modification may lead to dire consequences down the road that we are unaware of. Genetic modification also …show more content…

It seems the uses it can grant are without end, but so could the hidden consequences. For example, most of the processed food we eat comes from GMOs, or "genetically modified organisms." These are plants that are genetically engineered to have desirable traits, such as resistance to harsh weather, diseases, or pests. However, some scientists claim that the consumption of GMOs is dangerous, and we have not studied the long-term impact of the regular consumption of genetically modified foods. In my opinion, I'd much rather eat food that is as natural as possible, and that has not been modified. I would rather not take the chance that GMOs are potentially harmful in the long run, and take the safe route and have our food grown the way Mother Nature intended it to. Other uses that are widely controversial are the changing of human genetics to potentially fix genetic mutations and find cures for diseases. I also disagree with this practice because who will draw the line on what is necessary and what is frivolous genetic modification? Also, what happens if genetic modification of a person goes wrong? What if the scientists cannot fix what they have done and the patient has permanent damage? How can we prepare for something we cannot see