Why Is It Important To Go To College

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Every day of people’s lives they are faced with many decisions. Some decisions are much easier than others like what television program they want to watch. Some decisions are even made for them by other decisions that they have already made like what to wear. Depending on the career an individual has chosen it will depend on what that individual will wear to work. Now some decisions are much more difficult than others. The main decision that every high school graduate is faced with is do they go to college or not, and if they do go to college which one do they go to. In today’s society, it is imperative that individuals continue their education. With the exception of low level entry positions, like working at McDonalds, people will need some form of higher education. President Obama stated, “Education is not a luxury: it is an economic imperative that every hard working and responsible student should be able to afford” (Knowledge and Skills for the Jobs of the Future). The best thing about continuing education is that it can be done at any point in time. People do not have to go to a college or university right after high school. For those …show more content…

The only thing that really matters is that individuals earn their degree. They are both the same as far as continuing education. The only real difference between the two is the cost and the way a student wants to learn. If a person is capable of learning at their own pace, and motivated to put forth the work, then maybe going to an online school is for them. If they want the full college experience than a traditional school might be for them. President Obama stated “if we want America to lead in the 21st century, nothing is more important than giving everyone the best education possible-from the day they start preschool to the day they start their career” (“Knowledge and Skills for the Jobs of the

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