The Pros And Cons Of Designer Babies

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Randy Pausch once said, “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the game.” Genetically modifying a baby is not something that everybody is too keen on. Why change someone who is perfect just as they are? The baby in itself is a special creation that shouldn’t be changed just to fit your fantasy of what your child should look like. They have no say in what they want to look like, so why should you? In this Earth, no two human beings are ever alike, no two fingerprints are ever the same, and no two twins are exactly identical. Everyone is special in their own way. Human beings are what they want to be today without their own mother and father choosing what kind of hair they should have, what eye color would be perfect, what kind of nose would be cute, etc. Why change something that should not be changed? A baby is a baby and they should …show more content…

A child is a creation of their parents and the parents should not be able to genetically modify their child to how they want them to look like because it has not been yet proven that this procedure works a 100% and is successful. There is just way too many risks to take. It is not ethically or morally or physically right to change something that should be left alone. People should be happy with what they get because there are people in this world that cannot have babies and are willing to do anything just to have one, so people who are blessed with having children of their own should not change a baby, especially when it has no say in what the child themself, wants to look like. Even though this procedure might get rid of diseases that may be passed along by genetics and blood, changing a baby to what someone else wants them to look like is just wrong and cruel. A baby should be left alone and untouched. And remember that Sir Ken Robinson once said that, “Human beings are naturally different and