Muscatine iowa is concidering building a public dog park in a residential area of the city. The park would consist of an acre of open land surrounded by a fence where dog owners can unleash their dogs for play and exersie. Sounds like a reasonable request to consider... but is it bound to be a burden for tax payers and the everyday life of a resident in the city or are we in desperate need af a dog park? In the city about 68% of city residents inhabits rental units.
Chandler Snell English 102 The Proposal 4 October 2015 Aggression in the Dog Park 2,358 people in Arizona required hospital care between 2008 and 2012 due to dog bites. Between these two years, Arizona spent approximately 55 million dollars on health care for these dog bite occurrences. (Tang, Terry) Dog bites occur when aggressive dogs enter dog parks, a dog is provoked, or two dogs are fighting over something. The attacks that are present in most articles are typically of aggressive dogs targeting other animals.
Dogs that get exercise have a better mental and physical health. According to American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals states dogs that dont get exercise act out by barking and destroying things at home. Bad behavior in dogs is caused by being lonely and the lack of exercise. Having a dog park will benefit both the dog and the owner.
Zoos should not be closed in Canada because there are good to our animals. Zoos are a big part in helping our animals and if they closed down then a lot of animals would be we should. Canada should not close down any zoo because the zoo can have a big impact for helping rare species become a non-rare species. Zoos take good care of their animals because if they didn 't the zoos would be closed already there for the zoos take really good care of their animals. We should have zoos in Canada because if a little boy or girl saw an animal for the first time that boy or girl could go home and look up that animal and if they see that that animal is rare, that boy or girl could grow up to help that animal come back
Having public dog parks inside cities is a great idea simply because the benefits out-weigh the consequences. I believe this because a public dog park would raise property values, lower the amount of dog-bites, and create a safe pleasant area for people to let there dog run free. An argument against the dog park may be that "It would cost taxpayers too much money!" but I say not.
The boxer rebellion took place in china between the 1899-1901. It was a violent anti-foreign and anti-Christian revolution. The militia united in righteousness (Yihetuan) they were the ones who started it all but were referred to as the boxers. They never rebelled against the Manchu rulers of china and their qing dynasty. The martial arts and calisthenics they practiced had a lot to do with their name.
Why not other service animals? I disagree with the new law permits the use of dog only a other service animals in public places It says so on Service Animals by Clare Mishica Laws paragraph 1 sentence 6. Why not other service animals? Other animals can do stuff to. Also monkeys a at Helping Hands like dogs get teached.
The U.S. Military has dogs for one reason. To use as tools to track bombs and many other dangers. The men and women risk their lives to serve for this country of ours. The dogs risk their lives just as well. These warriors should have a right to choose to stay together or become two alone again.
Building a dog park in neighborhoods could be many things, to include good and bad. Personally, I believe that people shouldn't have to live within areas of dog parks, as it is quite disturbing to get any peace and quiet while listening to dogs bark all day. On the other hand, it can be beneficial to those with animals. espcially in an apartment setting.
One reason that they should be allowed to go to public schools is because they cheer people up and put them in a better mood. ⅔ of the people out of every group said that when they play or spend time with a dog it puts them in a better mood for the rest of the day. So thats 67% of people that say dogs put them in a better mood. There is also a story about this kid and his dog.
Since starting our small farm we have learned a lot of things about keeping animals. One thing that we learned was that you need some form of protection from predators for the livestock. When we first moved in we were the only humans on our road. The coyotes would sound like they were a rocks throw from the door when I would let our little Chihuahuas outside. I'm not normally afraid of a lot of critters, but coyotes do scare me.
Dogs can be brought to trainers to help stop them from attacking, Some dogs do not know what they are doing and all the owner should do is take the dog to a dog trainer so the trainer can train it to not bite. Now if the dog kills someone, they should take the dog to a really good trainer. If you were to bite someone, would deserve to be executed? No you wouldn't, so why should a dog be executed? Doctors and vets say that if a dog taste blood, it will go crazy but people go crazy everyday.
From my experience a dog that is always active with other dogs tend to be more safer then a dog that is always locked up. A dog park is good because thats a specific place where dogs can be dogs. If i had a dog i would prefare to take it to a dog park then to unleash it to the streets. A dog park will also potect the dog from running out into the streets and from even being lost or stolen. Dog parks should be build so dogs can have freedom.
Dog parks can be very benificial, for both dog owners and dogs. With dog parks, the dogs can run around without a leash, while the dog owners can sit and socialize with other dog lovers like themselves. Dogs can also get the excerise they need, in more ways than just being walked down a street. Plus in cities like Muscatine, Iowa, where the majority of rental units are apartments, a dog park is the best solution. Due to apartments not being able to have a lot of yard space, dogs don't get the necessary amount of excersise they need daily.
Zoos have been around since the eighteenth century. A zoo is defined as a compound where wild animals are kept for viewing and studying. The purpose of a zoo is mainly for education and protection, preserving animal species that are either at a risk of becoming extinct or for increased collection size (Jamieson). Animals from around the world have been enclosed in an area where we can admire and study these fine creatures. However, many modern zoos around the world have introduced animal shows, petting and feeding sessions to attract more visitors in order to earn more money.