The Pros And Cons Of Donald Trump

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To some I am an ignorant African American female, who to many is a “coon” but in my eyes, I am a woman, who see that it is time for a change, a wakeup call for the world and Donald Trump is just that. I went against my better judgment and voted for Hillary. One being afraid of telling others that I liked Trump AND two, just being a democrat all my life, I just decided to keep on the same path and it is something I regret. Many people do not like Trump, they find him disgusting, rude and against women while all in all refusing to see the good in Trump. I am not saying that I would not have loved to see the first woman President in 2017 because it would have been a beautiful thing, but there are many things about the Democrat party I feel keeps …show more content…

Am I the only who feel the wealthy is being punished for having money? They are already paying more than the poor and many feel that this right. What is right about someone taking care of another person because they have money and another do not? Is that really how the world should think or should be pushing us all to be able to provide for ourselves? I may not be rich, but the little bit of taxes I do pay I still have a problem with paying when I can not reap the benefits of paying those taxes yet a mother with 5 kids and doing nothing can receive food stamps out the ass AND Medicaid. I see a problem with that. Trumps want to reduce taxes for the across the board and ensure that we all are paying a fair share YET not hurting the economy. Hillary wanted to raise taxes, while Trump wants make taxes fair for all. Trump tax plan is to help build jobs, while Clinton would eventually cut jobs for …show more content…

Gays are concerned with their marriage equality being turned around and Black Lives Matter feel as though Trump will let officers continue to get away with forcefully killing blacks without any punishment towards them. First, people must give Trump the right to have his views, the same way Hillary has the right to hers. The same way the LGBT community feel about Trump, is the same way Trump supporters feel about Hillary and her views. There is no win-win here, but needs to be a level of understanding and compassionate for one another views. Forcing individuals to comply with laws such as the HB2 law and then taking back “business deals” does not show love but more so bribes in order to make certain laws exist. States should be allowed to control such issues rather than the federal government. Black Lives Matter feel as though Trump doesn’t necessarily like us because of the racist individuals who have come out of the closet and the KKK being a “fan”, but if you look at his interviews he has stated that he understands the concern of African Americans but that does not mean we are to get rid of police, because at the end of the day when we all are in fear of our lives, we call them