The Pros And Cons Of Fracking

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Recent studies indicate there are an average of seven billion people living on earth. With only one planet, is it inevitable that we will eventually run out of the most necessary natural resources? Energy is something which we rely on all the time. In order to live our live as we are used to, we require the energy from burning fossil fuels. Coal and petroleum make up the majority of these fossil fuels. As they are formed by the long process of compression and heating of respectively flora and fauna after burrial, it is easy to see they are a limited resource. They do not reproduce at the rate we are consuming them - and they won't for many millions of years to come. On the other hand, renewable energy is sadly an expensive alternative, and …show more content…

Rocks such as shale which are situated about 2.000 feet below the earth’s surface us contain natural gas. To reach these layers, a horizontal well-like construction is built to reach down to the rocks. Then a fluid is pumped into the layers under high pressure, causing the rocks to ‘fracture’ and release their natural oil and gas. Having a method like this to access more natural gas, will definitely save us a few years in finding new and more affordable ways to produce energy. Though, having this method readily available might slow down research for alternative energy sources. The Energy Production Corporations (EPCo) are comfortable with the security of having fracking to fall back onto for the next few years. However, the world’s leading oil and gas company, BP, states that earth’s oil reserves will only last 50 more …show more content…

Fracking isn’t a very quiet procedure to do. Noise complaints are common in areas where it is done. On site it can get as loud as 110dB, which is approximately as loud as live rock music, and can be heard over quite a distance . Traffic greatly increases with large trucks transporting the fluid to the site and the acquired natural gas and oil away from it. Hydraulic Fracturing is conducted day and night, meaning it’d be heard all the time. This can be an annoyance or even cause health issues to people who are living about their everyday life. However, fracking is great for the economy,. As stated earlier, fracking can be done almost anywhere. This can help countries become more independent and wean the nation’s way off of gas and oil dependency. They are a necessity for everyone and with the population evergrowing, more gas will be needed. This is a great way for the country itself to provide more natural gas, satisfying its demand with its own supply. This would lead to lower

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