The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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Gun control is one of the most talked about subjects here in the U.S. As we sit cohesively in front of our televisions, the news anchors inform us about things that are occurring in the world. Shootings are the most common thing that we hear about every day. A question I tend to ask and I'm sure many do as well is, why is it so hard to get your driver’s license, but really easy to purchase a firearm? It is really hard to fathom how the system works. We as a nation need to enforce a stricter gun rule to stop the senseless killing we hear about every other week.
Guns are responsible for 33,000 deaths in the year of 2013 in America. In 2010, 606 people, 62 of them children younger than fifteen, died in accidental shootings. (CDC) “In the United States in the last 30 years, about three-quarters of the guns used were obtained legally by the killers. Pro-gun control advocates believe tougher gun laws could have potentially prevented these crimes”. ("Gun Control Pros and Cons: 3 Points on Both Sides of Debate." Newsmax. N.P., 28 Sept. 2014. Web. 02 Apr. 2015. )"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed," That is the second amendment in the Bill of Rights. The amendment gives law abiding citizens the right to bear arms. Research shows that people who used concealed weapons are less likely to be robbed, killed, or involved in a crime. In …show more content…

They have more regulations to keep guns from getting into the hands of mentally troubled people. In California people who have been on a seventy-two hour commitment cannot buy a gun for 5 years. People who check themselves in a psychiatric hospital also cannot obtain a gun for 5 years. California don’t admit those people names to the system. So this means even though the people who are banned from California from getting a gun, can go get a gun from another