The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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Gun control laws have been a huge topic of discussion with several mass shooting in the past 2 years. Because of this many have begun to question who should be able to carry firearms, and why we should be allowed to carry firearms? As always the Second Amendment is something very important when it comes to gun control. Government tyranny and communist countries are something people should think about when it comes to the way they want our gun control. The stand your ground law allows us to use deadly force when in danger but should we? There are sixty four thousand seven hundred forty seven gun stores in america, compared to the mere ten thousand eight hundred forty three. Guns have become so accessible to anyone. Many question whether civilians should be allowed to own and carry firearms. As stated in the Second amendment we are allow the right to bear arms. So the government can’t touch our firearms. Although, when purchasing a military grade firearm or any related attachments thorough background checks are and should be more prevalent. But even after passing a background check someone can go and commit mass murder like the Vegas shooting. …show more content…

The Second Amendment states “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” When the Second Amendment was established in 1791 after the Revolutionary War. Another goal of the Second Amendment is to prevent the government from taking our weapons and impose tyranny. There are many countries right now that don’t allow their citizens to carry firearms. Examples being North Korea and Cuba. Both are communist countries that oppress their citizens in many ways. If they had firearms they would be able to revolt against the government that oppresses them. Owning firearms allows citizens to stand up fight against threats such as tyranny and