The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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Many gun rights advocates believe their rights are being restricted when talking about gun control. The gun control controversy is an ongoing political issue in America. There are many different arguments that support either side, but to maintain a peaceful environment, the pro-gun control arguments make more sense. All too often guns are used irresponsibly without reason and can end in tragedy. Gun control should be stronger regulated to ensure safety and reduce the amount of murders in the U.S. Many people will agree that accessing guns in the U.S is not a hard thing to do. Gun trafficking is a huge factor for this. Everytown for Gun Safety provides a reasonable explanation. The idea that guns cannot be taken away from criminals is inaccurate. …show more content…

One of the most widely known was the Columbine Massacre, a shooting that took place in Colorado of 1999 by two teenagers. This massacre left a strong dispute on how these kids were able to access such guns and use them inappropriately. The current President during this time, Bill Clinton, went to Senate because he wanted to see gun laws restricted to prevent something like this happening again. According to Think Progress, the Senate agreed to require background checks on private dealers but it still does not undermine the fact that 80 percent of guns used in crimes are still purchased without these checks. With more than 30 plus mass shootings since Columbine, the likeness of another one is very possible. An anti-gun violence advocacy group (Everytown for Gun Safety) provides an analysis of shootings since Sandy Hook Elementary School and say that there has been at least 94 school shootings all around the U.S. since then. The massacre took place in Newtown Connecticut when a gunman killed 20 kids and 6 adults, including his own mother. After Newtown, Obama was rejected by Senate after his proposal of restricting sales of certain guns and to keep guns in the hands of wrong people. Lastly, another largely known shooting was the Aurora Theater shooting, also in Colorado, which shot and killed 12 people and injuring many others. The shooter had a 12-gauge shotgun, an AK-rifle, and 2 handguns. All of these guns should have been prohibited. Gun-Rights activists will argue against this saying that they need handguns for protection, but as a Coalition put it from Commentary Magazine, “It is important to remember that the belief that handguns are useful for self-defence is misguided”. They also mentioned that there was a 43 times more likely chance that the gun will be used for suicide rather than self-defense. The question still rises, how many more people have to