The Pros And Cons Of Hillary Clinton

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Although public figures are meant to represent public interests and the pinnacle of public service, even claiming the title of public servant. Unfortunately, as most citizens are aware, most present day American politicians don't truly stand for anything except money, with a few notable exceptions such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Bernie Sanders. Most politicians follow polls and public opinion in order to reach reelection rather than have a strong set of morals which determine their governance. In short, they gain power in the pursuit of power rather than to change the current system or better the lives of the people they are meant to represent. Many acclaimed “progressives” aren’t any different unfortunately. Take former secretary of state Hillary Clinton for instance. …show more content…

In fact in 2010 the State Department changed passport forms to say “Parent 1” and “Parent 2” instead of mother and father and “Hillary Clinton was furious.” (Slate 1). As slate points out, at that time many politicians had not come out in favor of gay rights (coincidentally the aforementioned Senators had however) including current president Obama. They continue onto the point “Why note that she “disagree[d]” with the decision? Why say—hesitantly, almost begrudgingly—that she “could live” with letting gay parents use a gender-neutral form?” (Slate 1). That sounds at least somewhat anti LGBT, and yet she now strongly supports the LGBT community. She did not shift opinions on this matter until 2013, which is coincidentally the same year that polls showed the nation as pro LGBT. How convenient. This is one of many examples of politicals “flip-flops” that have occurred in recent years, and one of the most clear making it an excellent