
The Pros And Cons Of Humanitarian Aid

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Humanitarian assistance has changed drastically over the past decades. It began as a volunteer need, to shifting in becoming a career choice. Not only can the United Nations provide Humanitarian Assistance but Non- Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) are now playing a role. The humanitarian aid initial focus is to take action to save live, reduce the suffering of any situation, and to protect human dignity. Humanitarian aid exist because Humanitarian actors cannot stand down, knowing someone’s in danger, human rights are being violated, let alone their education right is taken away from certain individuals.
At a global scale, millions of children worldwide still lack access to education due to their economic status, gender discrimination, and …show more content…

Mortenson believed that by building schools and providing an education for these girls was one way to empower them and provide them with knowledgeable so they can become the future teachers and doctors of the future in their community. “If you educate a boy, you educate an individual, but if you educate a girl, you educate a community.” Mortenson always supported the idea that educating girls would push Pakistan and Afghanistan forward.
Overall, Stones into schools is a great example to all NGO’s that it is possible to play a role in the Humanitarian spectrum. After sitting down with men in power in Afghanistan and Pakistan in forming negations and requesting permission to build these schools took several years to get done. As well as may cups of tea as it is a form of making business. After reading Mortenson book, he makes it clear and shows how impactful a school has upon its society. In Pakistan and Afghanistan, Mortenson schools have helped the people open the door to higher income and closed door so the numbers of people joining a terrorist group can reduce. Although the children in these regions had no schools and no teacher to start with, they were all eager to

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