
The Pros And Cons Of ISIS

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The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, otherwise known as ISIS, is an Islamic terrorists group who is very brutal. Beheading, beating to death, and manipulating a lot of others in the world. The world needs to take this group down so nothing worse happens to the world. The countries in the world need to come together and defeat this group. By coming together it would outnumber ISIS and surround them and force them to surrender. Even if they were to surrender, the countries should kill every single one of them for what they have done to their own kind and to everyone else in the world. ISIS, a descendant from Al- Qaeda in 2004, ISIS was founded by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. An Iraqi-born leader that spent 4 years in the U.S. captivity and uses the Islamic law to his advantage, but enjoys fancy watches and soccer. He only appeared once in public and that is when he told the world he was the leader of ISIS, but he is the most terrified and most dangerous terrorist leader in the world. When he came out and publicly spoke, the number of Jihadists followers was groundbreaking in its volume and its pace, and is still continuing (Peled, 2015) . All of the new followers he gained after this speech turned a lot of heads and cause others to judge the Muslim tradition. This put into the …show more content…

This poll was known as the Reuters poll. In this poll about sixty three percent of the Americans asked were scared about the attacks on Paris happening where they are. About seventeen percent of the same Americans named their number one concern as terrorism, which was about eight percent higher than it was in October. (The world's fight against ISIS: 10 things to know, 2015). If the citizens of the US does not want that ISIS gave to Paris, bombing them and killing many people, then the US needs to act upon

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