Improper Waste Disposal Essay

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Since the beginning of civilization, there has always been this question, “Where are we going to put all of our waste?” Well before the late 1800; garbage, which consisted of spoiled food, broken items, and sewage, was simply thrown on to the street. The issue was that such habits gave rise to diseases and had numerous sanitation problems, thus garbage-men were born. They transported the trash on the streets to be burned, buried, or dumped into the ocean. Today, we have landfills for our garbage.

Now a properly managed dump can be a very safe, almost cleanly area. It is when there is no real order, when people who have no real experience with managing such a project, that these places become a serious hazard to the environment and to the …show more content…

My own community on Abaco had placed their dump right next to the mangroves, indiscriminately dumping whatever wherever in the area before burning it, and it took years before it was finally relocated. The only problem is that the same thing is happening in the new area!

There are other ways to reduce the amount of waste in landfills than burning. My solutions to this issue are actually pretty simple; for starters we need to promote recycling, put aside funds for recycling plants on the main islands, and include it as a process for every dump. The benefits are obvious, a decrease in the amount sent to dumps while providing us materials we could export or use. We can also recycle the biodegradable materials that are thrown away such as spoiled food, cuttings, teabags, etc; and use them for compost people can simply buy from the