The Pros And Cons Of Renewable Energy

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America Needs to Switch to Renewable Energy
Why is renewable energy seen as an insane pipe dream of liberals? Could it be that it sounds too good to be true? Or could it be that it directly goes against what has been the life blood keeping this country running for decades; fossil fuels? It is easy to say that switching to clean energy is impossible or that it is not worth all the effort it takes, but what if it was. Coal, oil, and methane are things of the past, it is time for Solar panels, wind turbines, and water power.

The idea of renewable energy has been a hotly debated topic for the last few years, most recently in the Presidential election. Hillary Clinton supported renewable energy, while Donald Trump supports the continued and increased use of fossil fuels. Renewable energy has in the last decade placed itself in the list of what Republicans and Democrats disagree on fundamentally. Renewable energy was first brought to the public forefront when Jimmy Carter installed solar panels on the White House (Jefferey K. Stine 2014), which were later removed during the second term of Ronald Reagan. Thomas Edison on September 4th, 1882 changed the world when he turned on his power station (Robert Green 2016), it is time for America to do the same.

Opposing Viewpoints
Many people see renewable energy as a waste of …show more content…

America has shown in the past that when there is an issue in the world it will take the lead and stand at the forefront. World War II is an example of this, America took the initiative to create the atomic bomb, not only that but to drop it as well. This happened again in 1969 when America made the first successful manned mission to the moon. History has shown time and time again that America can and will lead the world. The Paris Agreement is Donald Trump’s chance to help make America great