Adopting The CSR Principles In The Clothing Industry

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Adopting the CSR principles involves costs. These costs might be short term in nature or continuous outflows. These costs might involve the purchase of new environmentally friendly equipment, the change of management structures, or the implementation of stricter quality controls. Since being socially responsible involves costs, it should generate benefits as well in order to be a sustainable business practice. A corporation could not continue a policy that constantly generates negative cash flows. The shareholders invest their money in a corporation, expecting the highest possible risk adjusted return. Therefore, being socially responsible should have bottom-line benefits in order to be sustainable. In many cases, it seems that the time frame …show more content…

Overlooking negative social and environmental externalities when valuing a company might be equal to ignoring significant tail risk. The risks related to CSR could be grouped into three categories: corporate governance, environmental aspects, and social aspects. Companies that adopt the CSR principles are more transparent and have less risk of bribery and corruption. In addition, they may implement stricter and, thus, more costly quality and environmental controls, but they run less risk of having to recall defective product lines and pay heavy fines for excessive polluting (Palmer, 2012). They also have less risk of negative social events which damage their reputation and cost millions of dollars in information and advertising campaigns. The scandals about child–labour and sweatshops that affect the clothing industry are two examples. Thus, socially responsible businesses should have more stable earnings growth and less downside volatility. Since companies that adopt the CSR principles carry less risk, when valuing those companies, a lower discount rate should be used. In the company valuation, this lower tail risk should be considered (Palmer,