Summary: Supporting Ethical Companies In The Sports Apparel Industry

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With the recommendation of continued SRI practices and the formation of an official SRI policy, focus can now shift to our recommendation for VTF about investment in the sports apparel industry. We believe that supporting ethical companies in the sports apparel industry, such as Alta Gracia and, more recently, Nike and Adidas is a great investment for VTF. This investment embodies the principles and goals of the foundation and the university. The fight for safe and ethical working conditions is an issue that most students are familiar with, but many are unaware of its severity. If the Virginia Tech bookstore carries additional clothing made by companies that advocate for more humane working environments, a vast number of students could potentially support the cause. Virginia Tech students are known for their school spirit, which can be seen by how much Virginia Tech apparel is worn around campus and the community. A project investing in clothing lines made by companies who support better working conditions would financially benefit VTF and have positive ramifications for the university at large. VTF also aims to “benefit all collaborators including Virginia Tech faculty, students and alumni while enhancing economies and the communities they support” …show more content…

These companies include Alta Gracia, Nike, and Adidas, to name a few. “The Foundation has a commitment to be a good corporate citizen and to collaborate with the university to advance the universities goals and missions” (VTF, n.d.). Virginia Tech’s core values are Brotherhood, Honor, Leadership, Sacrifice, Service, Loyalty, Duty, and Ut Prosim (“War Memorial Court,” n.d.). As mentioned before, VTF’s goals and values are very similar to those of Virginia Tech, if not the same. Both organizations believe in the idea that one should help others in need if he or she has the opportunity and the