The Pros And Cons Of Streaming

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Streaming - A Form of Systematic Failure
“You’re so stupid.” These degrading words, which bear hints of boastfulness and pride, resonate throughout the school halls, as though one has committed a grave sin by faring poorly on an assessment. Is it not ironic then, that a school system designed with the ultimate intent of equally maximizing academic opportunity, indirectly enforces a hierarchical system in which students are made to feel inferior? This is the epitome of academic streaming. The immoral practice, which was supposedly “abolished” in 1999 (Kinnon, E.), sadly remains prevalent today, where it continues to indirectly impose barriers on one’s post-secondary opportunities. Additionally, streaming only further acts to heighten the socio-economic gaps that exist between students, by disincentivizing effort. Despite …show more content…

There has always been a certain degree of rigor associated with the post-secondary options available for students - whether it be college, or university (Marti, K.). As a result, the respective preparatory courses for each destination often cover course content in varying manners, where “College” courses follow a practical rhetoric, while “University” courses require a more theoretical approach. This allows for senior high school courses to effectively adhere to the expectations of post-secondary institutions for the benefit of the students. For this very reason, de-streaming would be extremely detrimental in senior grades, as the chaotic mix of college and university preparatory concepts would reduce the overall academic eligibility of students. Consequently, admittance to prestigious programs, such as Waterloo’s Software Engineering Co-op, would be unattainable by applicants, whom would be unfairly evaluated. In essence, academic streaming must be upheld in senior grades for the betterment of