Summary Of Revamping Community Colleges

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Revamping Community Colleges
There are multiple choices to be made when going to community college. Numerous people miss out on the opportunities that community college has in store for them because colleges make it tough on students. In the article “Revamping Community College to Improve Graduation Rates” we can see how improving community college systems can dramatically change the number of students who become graduates. Revamping community college helps improve graduation rates by lowering the cost of community college, hindering the requirement of remedial classes, and helping community colleges gain a more structured environment for their students. One key reason students are not attending/graduating college is because of the cost that …show more content…

At the City University of New York, they began a program, which was made to guide students throughout college, called Accelerated Study in Associations program (Tugend). By just offering students the support they need for college, they raised their graduation rates from 23% to 53% (Tugend). Another article states that at Arizona Western college started a program called KEYS which is meant to give students guidance more so in the first years of college to help freshman get a better understanding of what they need to be prepared for in future years (2016). Eliana Osborn says in her article, “Community College Consider Changes to Improve Graduation Rates”, “Yearly check-ins aren’t enough to make sure the right classes are being selected and enough credits are taken to graduate on schedule. That’s where many schools are innovating with incentives for frequent adviser meetings, freshman year groups, or other programs to keep students progressing.” Moreover, the reader can see that providing guidance can help many students attending community college. In addition, supporting students and giving them guidance throughout their college experience would raise the graduation rates …show more content…

An article written by, Joanne Jacobs states, “The promise of free tuition could make the problem worse by drawing more students to already crowded community college campuses, said Michele Siqueiros, president of The Campaign for College Opportunity” this concern is notable for if more students attend community college than overcrowding might possibly be another problem added to the list of revamping colleges. However, if the attendance of students is above average it would not only add potential employment for more college staff, it would also increase the number of students who graduate. Another point people may possibly argue is that hindering the requirement of remedial classes could damage student’s grades for it may cause students to not receive the help they need to move forward in a specific area. The reader could see how this could be a potential problem, but students do not receive a college credit for a remedial class. With that stated, students would not work as hard in a remedial class because they do not receive a credit, making these classes useless if the student does not have a desire to be there. Furthermore, some may state that simply providing guidance for students could not improve graduation rates. But by providing guidance, students realize that there are