
The Pros And Cons Of Texas And The Dream Act

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Introduction Texas holds a numerous of issues that coexist analyzed, which include from the death penalty to same-sex marriage. Furthermore, one of the issues that Texas has coped with, yet remains essential would be The Dream Act. According to Luis Miranda a White House Hispanic media Director, “The Dream Act is a legislation that consist of giving students an opportunity that are pursuing a better education in the United States to continue with higher education, participate in the U.S Military, and to embrace the well-being to the country” (1). Moreover, the desire of getting a higher education for students that have been in the low-income branch continues to be immense. Overall, these students want to be successful not only for themselves, …show more content…

There remain plenty of pros, nevertheless I will only be discussing three leading ideas. The first point, according to BalancedPolitics.org stands “in generating tax revenues from both employers and employees as jobs remain allowed to come into the open” (1), which will be decent for the economy. As an increasing quantity of students coexist able to get their education and permission to work in Texas and all over the U.S., additional taxes will be applied to them as well. Employees subsist expected to pay income taxes, following with Medicare. Additionally, “employers will be responsible for paying the legal security number and paying Medicare taxes” (Balance 1). This will bring up the economy of Texas farther and it remains definitely beneficial to the state. A second pro stands that “it brings freedom and a path to self-sufficiency that isn’t available to billions of others around the world who aren’t lucky enough to be born in the United States” (Balanced 1). Students that have been in Texas plus in the United States have adapted to the culture, and have the same dreams identical as an American. They desire to be able to educate themselves and live a better life than what they would have in a different country. There exist plenty of actual American citizens who do not realize how great their nation is and therefore they take their freedom and opportunities for granted. All these students wish would be to continue with their …show more content…

The first con consists of “a path to citizenship rewards people for breaking the law” (1), according to BalancedPolitics.org. Our state and country in based on laws. Laws remains to preserve our state in order and together, without them there would be disorder. If these individual’s parents were capable of breaking this law, what other laws could they also break in the future? By passing this legislation, it would contradict our rules and it wouldn’t fair for those who have followed the rules. Following, another side effect of this issue is that “it would lead to further overpopulation and crowding of American cities” (balanced 1). When there stands a crowded state issue tends to become complicated and chaotic. Stress will arise and the state can fall economically. Lastly, this leads to the issue that this “will create a flood of illegal immigrants from everywhere who will attempt to enter before the law goes into effect” (balanced 1). People from Mexico will realize that the Dream Act would be passed, therefore they would choose to come to Texas since it’s close to the border of Mexico. This would lead to overcrowding, just similar to China, or India, where it’s tough to

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