The Pros And Cons Of The Atomic Bomb

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The Atomic Bomb We all know that the droppings of the A-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended World War 2, but was it really the right thing to do? World war 2 was one of the most devastating wars fought in the history of mankind, resulting in the death of millions on both sides of the war. The dropping of the A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the best strategic and political thing to do, but it might not have been the most moral thing to do. In the month of April of 1945, the war in Europe was coming to an end with both America, and Russia conducting attacks against Germany on two fronts, but the war going on in the Pacific was still raging on. Then shortly after April 12th, 1945, when President Roosevelt died of a cerebral hemorrhage, Vice President Harry Truman took office. When President Truman first learns about the atomic bomb, he started to see political benefits that could that be caused by using the bomb to end the war against Japan, such as stopping Russia from taking more control over Europe. …show more content…

According to a graph on page 5, the predicted amount of American lives lost in Operation Olympic would of be around 100,000 and about 450,000 captured/wounded. Also, there is a predicted amount of 2 million lives lost on the Japanese side. But what actually happened when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima 7sq miles were demolished, 70,000 people killed/missing, and 70,000 injured, all within a matter of seconds. Before President Truman made his made his decision to continue with the planned invasion or drop the atomic bomb, the U.S. was conducting fire bombings. These fire bombings would cover 15sq miles, and caused 83,000 dead/missing persons and 102,000 wounded persons. The fire bombings would cover a littler more than twice amount of ground of the a-bomb and would cause 13,000 more dead/missing persons, as well as 32,000 more wounded

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