The Pros And Cons Of The Cold War

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Cold war, a period in history from 1947 to 1991 that reshaped colonialism to what it is today. The cold war was an ideological struggle between capitalist West led country the united states and communist East led country the Soviet Union characterized by a geopolitical tension, arms race, proxy wars and the recruitment of satellites. This period of ideological rivalry lasting for almost five decades eventually spilled into their allies, then spread to every corner of the world. The cold war was a “condition of rivalry, mistrust, and often open hostility short of violence especially between power groups.” With months leading towards the end of World War II, all the former great powers became destitute; and from the ashes, two major superpowers …show more content…

The Soviets felt that surrounding their borders with allies makes them stronger. Thus, they went out recruiting surrounding countries, offering them support and aid in rebuilding their economy, military etc. The cold war was responsible for the formation of military and political alliances, the creation of, client states. With the world economy recovering from the war two entirely diverse economic systems arose to the top, Capitalism, and communism. Capitalism backed by the united states was an economic system characterized by freedom of the market . With capitalism came with many pros to go along with its economy. Capitalism gives people the freedom to do as they wish and allows them the opportunities to work to gain great wealth or to just survive in the society while letting the government will change gradually but is able to adjust to it with ease. And Communism can be defined as an economic and political system in which facts of production are collectively owned and directed by the state. It sets direct demands on the work you do and what you need to produce, so others can benefit as well as you from your hard work. As you can see both capitalism and communism are viewed as two opposing political and economic

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