The Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

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Should the Death Penalty be a widely accepted practice by the judicial system in each state? Deeming a person’s life worthless after they have committed a crime is an inhuman way to serve justice to guilty criminals. Described as "the legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime" ("capital punishment"), Capital Punishment is legal in most of the United States of America but often looked over as a form of justice. The authorization from the Government does not diminish the fact that killing another human being is murder. It’s wrong. Life is a sacred gift that every living organism has been blessed with. If some chose to live their life committing crimes then let them, rehabilitate them, let them live until their biological …show more content…

Society deems murder such a heinous crime but the government is allowed to use it as an ultimate punishment. The mentality of the judicial system in America for the last several years has been “An eye for an eye”, an ideology created in a time where the just punishment for theft was cutting the guilty’s hand off. This society supports continuing the cycle of violence by continuing to deprive individuals of life and another family of a relative. Messerli, an author of an article on a political debate website, brings up the point of “why kill people who kill people to show killing is wrong” (Messerli). This society is so caught up on maintaining control over what the people fear that they forget what they’re trying to inflict is cruel and unusual. Society preaches change and revolutionary ideas but to unhinge us from the classic barbaric idea of death being the proper form of punishment we must find an alternative. Murder is still murder despite who inflicts it, a title, a name, or a position should not justify a person's willingness to kill. According to Deborah White, an author of a news article covering the subject on the Death penalty, in 1976 the Supreme Court ruled that Capital Punishment was indeed Constitutional. This ruling demonstrating the government's need to maintain that control over life and