The Pros And Cons Of The Syrian War

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Donald Trump, our current US president once said, “Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.” What this quote means is that sometimes along the way to winning, we suffer setbacks, which helps us be stronger in the long run. In life we face many challenges. For example, one of those challenges is the Syrian War. In the Syrian War, the US is allies with the Middle East, but for one reason only; their oil. According to current estimates, more than 80% of the world’s oil is from countries in the Middle East like Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, and Israel. The United States has a choice, whether to stay in the Syrian and help fight with the Middle East, or leave the war and have the Middle East fight on its own. If the US stays …show more content…

United States should not continue fighting in the Syrian War and leave the Middle East for fight for themselves without the US helping them. For many years, the United States has been trying to take over the Middle East. They are basically doing everything they could to have the Middle east win the war, except the Middle East isn’t really doing anything itself. If the United States leaves the Syrian War and leaves the Middle East to fight by themselves, there will be lots of problems and chaos in the world. In the article, Police a Rough Neighborhood, it states, “Walking away from any role as a peacemaker in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will only lead to a further escalation of violence.” This quote proves that the United States leaving the war would only cause more chaos and it will only lead to more violence. Also, in countries like Iran and Syria, there is a lot of violence and chaos. If the United states ends up leaving the war there won’t be any change. Countries in the Middle East will still be full of violence, so even though the US is safe, other countries won’t be. “Ending the U.S. military presence in the Middle East will end any hope for change in countries like Iran and Syria.” Another thing is, if we leave the war, we won’t get our oil from the Middle East anymore. Without our oil, US oil prices with go up which will only cause more chaos. “With so much on the line, the United States cannot afford to lose …show more content…

They should use diplomatic and military action to keep the region stable. The United States also has to stay friends with the Middle East because if they don’t the United States might lose all of their oil and allies. If they do this stuff, not only will the US be a stronger, stable countries but so will the countries in the Middle East. By sending in more military groups they can save the people in Syria that have lost almost everything. The United States also needs to keep relationships with the countries that have oil because if they don’t they will lose their oil. All in all, if the US leaves the war, stuff like violence and economies would do worse. The United States needs to stay in the Middle East and without more military force the region will fall apart and won’t be