The Pros And Cons Of The United States Postal Service

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The United States Postal Service has been in service for over two hundred years. Over that time, the USPS has remained mostly unchanged, still delivering mail most days of the week. However, society has evolved since the USPS was first created, and that requires the USPS to restructure. Although some say the United States Postal Service should not be restructured, the USPS should undergo revisions because the volume of mail has decreased, their profits have declined, and email has become a superior platform..
Some citizens say that the United States Postal Service does not need to be updated. Usually, that statement is justified through the reason that the USPS is an old institution, so updating it would be, in a sense, removing part of history. Another reason that people who are against the USPS receiving revisions is that the USPS is an alternative mail source, and changing it to be more like email would make it less useful. However, despite these claims, the positives of updating the United States Postal Service outweigh the negatives of changing it. …show more content…

In 2009, the volume of mail received by the USPS dropped a staggering twenty six billion letters; more than has ever been dropped before. However, this is not all. The mail volume has been decreasing since 2007. Clearly, this shows a need to make changes to the USPS, an institution on the decline. This trend of losing volume comes from online communication becoming a better form of spreading information. Online email services, such as G-Mail or Yahoo, have steadily been taking away the volume of mail. These online communication services offer incentives to people; because of these incentives, people are more inclined to use email. A solution to this problem would be to have the USPS incentivize people to use the mail system; because incentives offered would encourage citizens to use mail, the volume of mail would