The Pros And Cons Of United States Immigration

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What would be the first thing that comes to mind when someone brings up the word ‘Immigration’. Well, it is very possible that the answer to that could be the current immigration policies the United States has. Among the issue in immigration there are two sides to this debate, I will focus primarily on the spectrum of the con side but taking into consideration both sides of the argument. Immigration’s controversy first started when it first reached its peak of over 1 million immigrants in the early years of the 1900’s. Since then immigration has been a controversy from both sides of the argument. Immigration has powerful ties behind the U.S population increase, economical stand points, and has accomplished to scope out the political atmosphere into a ‘wrestling arena’. …show more content…

The impact of immigrant groups on the U.S economy is strongly debated. Some stories in the popular press suggest that immigrants diminish the job opportunities of workers born in the Unite States. But others portray this as ‘immigrants as filling essential jobs that are turned down by other workers’. Professional economist have analyzed local labor markets have said that the impact of immigrants on the broader U.S economy has little effect on the net growth. Research indicates that there is no significant effect of immigration on the net job growth for U.S born workers. This only implies that the economy absorbs immigrants by expanding job opportunities rather than by displacing workers in the U.S. With further analysis, at the state level, the presence of immigrants is correlated with increased output per. This effects emerges n the medium to long run as businesses adjust their physical capital, that is, equipment and structures, to take advantage of the labor supplied by new