The Pros And Cons Of United States Border Patrol

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The United States Border Patrol, USBP, has acted as the country's first line of defense against unauthorized migration throughout history. Border Patrol's primary focus and mission is to prevent as well as detect the entry of any and all weapons of mass destruction, terrorists and illegal aliens into the country while also working to interdict drug smugglers and all other criminals along the border (Haddal, 2010). The Homeland Security Act of 2002 did away with the Immigration and Naturalization Service and instead placed the United States Border Patrol in the Department of Homeland Security. USBP, in the last couple of decades, has begun to receive a drastic increase in funding in response to incidents, which could have been prevented if the terrorists had been stopped at the border (Haddal, 2010). The United States has some of the world’s longest land and sea borders and securing them is both a national security priority and logistical challenge. …show more content…

The USBP is responsible for stopping these threats before they are able to enter into the country which is an immense responsibility, which means that those working for Border Security must be highly trained individuals who are able to detect any and all threats at the border. This essay will discuss the history of the United States Border Patrol as well as the incidents that have occurred throughout history which have led to the drastic changes that have been made in border security. It will then highlight the roles and responsibilities that the USBP holds, and the different agencies that work together to protect the nation and its

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