The Pros And Cons Of Universal Healthcare

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Is Universal health care truthfully free and economically justified? The world ought to be able to live as sound a life as they can and be able to cure any of their ailments in the most affordable and effective way possible. However, it is not the responsibility of the taxpayers through the government’s regulation to provide for care they do not receive. Universal health care is ineffective and economically devastating because universal health care is paid by the taxpayers, the quality of health care declines, creates longer wait times, causes more deaths, lowers access to care, costs that are unpaid raises costs for care, makes medical staff public employees, and more governmental regulation. Canada is a primary example of how a single-payer healthcare system would affect the U.S. and its economy. …show more content…

You cannot plan for your illnesses or conditions and delay them for reasons of inconvenience. You need that walk-in to the emergency room, you need that doctor’s appointment, and you may need that medication or operation. You would pay for your medical needs through your insurance provider. There are two kinds of insurers, private and public. Private insurers periodically collect money in the form of premiums that are paid individually or by their employers. Public insurers, on the other hand, collect the money from the taxpayers for that individual’s care. Countries like Canada and the United Kingdom use the public insurance policy to provide health care. Though it is not free. You either pay directly through private insurers or indirectly from the public through