The Pros And Cons Of Uranium Investments

1121 Words5 Pages Uranium Investments Deliver Handsome Returns with Minimal Risk
Uranium investment increasingly compels the attention of serious investors throughout the world. Uranium demand is expected to increase by 50 percent by 2030 as more and more reactors come online in China, the United States and the U.K. [1] In the face of increasing demand, limited supplies and scaled-down uranium mining operations worldwide, the boom side of the boom-and-bust cycle is inevitably drawing closer. Investing in uranium mining for the long-term is guaranteed to pay off eventually as reserves dwindle while demand increases. Other favourable intelligence for investing in uranium includes President Trump's pro-nuclear and pro-business stance …show more content…

However, nuclear plants generate the least carbon dioxide pollution and lowest carbon emissions. Using breeder reactors could provide power for the world indefinitely, so nuclear power is clean and sustainable and returns a higher cost-value than other energy sources.

Many critics argue that nuclear power is a finite resource while renewable sources such as solar energy, wind power, biomass, hydroelectric and geothermal energy are limitless. Although these infinitely renewable energy sources are important to energy sustainability in the distant future, none of these energy sources have been developed well enough to provide a significant portion of the world’s energy needs at competitive prices. Storage Concerns Aren't a Pressing Issue
The uranium used in nuclear power plants--which consists of enriched pellets of uranium oxide formed into rods--is stored until most of the radioactivity decays. This uranium is then recycled into Mixed Oxide Fuel, or MOX, which can be reused in power plants or prepared for long-term storage. The total amount of the world's nuclear waste would fit in a two-storey building the size of a basketball court, so storage concerns aren't big issues. Even so, plans are being made for secure, long-term storage of nuclear plant