The Pros And Cons Of Using Photo Voice

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The first article in which photo voice was the method of research used was an article in which researched community health, in relation to a community-based participatory research. It looks at the benefits and negatives of using photo voice as a method of data collection in relation to health promotion research as well as a method of revealing neighborhood residents perspectives on community as a source of health opportunities or barriers (Nykiforuk, Vallianatos, & Nieuwendyk, 2015). The participants took photos of things or places that they felt helped or hindered them from being physically active or eating healthy within their community (Nykiforuk, Vallianatos, & Nieuwendyk, 2015).
The target population was communities that were partnered with Community Working Groups (CWG). The researchers picked their participants based on a general population rather than sub-groups. They also picked three weeks prior to the commencement of the research (Nykiforuk, Vallianatos, & Nieuwendyk, 2015). Methods used to gain participants and to reach the harder-to-reach population was done by mailing list, posters at key locations, …show more content…

Much like what was mentioned in article one, on the advantages as this article also aided in letting participants express their deeper experiences and worldviews, such as culture and religion through photographs rather than just words. In relation with the article mentioned above was the advantage that helps uncover commonalities and improvisations that characterizes everyday life (Thompson, Cummins, Brown, & Kyle, 2016). Furthermore, with the photo elicitations in this article it also gives the researchers great depth on the nuances between families. The participants would likely benefit from the photo elicitation as visually seeing what one makes and eats over a six month period might be more eye opening than one might