
The Reformist Values Of The American Film Industry

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During the 1970s the American film industry saw a demand for films that spoke to the reformist values of the generation that had emerged out of the late 1960s. Independent films are superior to big-budget, highly marketed, mass-oriented films in many ways. The first and most obvious difference is their content (King, 2007). Indie releases were never easy, but there is a definite place for both in a chain’s programming. Chain’s screen Batman vs Superman and also show indie drama like “Too Late,’ or horror films like ‘Hush’ & ‘The Witch,’ to easily find the balance between individual films & big-budget productions. The indie audience is totally different from the blockbuster audience and the exhibitor must look for best times when they can cater …show more content…

Independent films depict life as it really is. Moreover, since they are free of the hype that surrounds big films, filmmakers such as Richard Linklater can concentrate on expressing themselves. Indie comedies are not worried about offending anyone, and that is what makes them 20 times more hilarious than market-researched, big-budget films. It is true that production qualities of indie films are often lower than mainstream movies because of lack of money. However, it is this lesser production quality that conveys stronger feelings, tugs more at the heartstrings and keeps you closer to the edge of your seat than mass-marketed movies do. Additionally, the content of indie films is often a lot smarter than mainstream. The indie films are harder to find but their emotional & mental benefits are overwhelming (Terry, …show more content…

Big audiences are there for the intelligent cinema that will never go away. The specialized marketing departments of Regal AMC and Cinemark ensure success of big blockbuster films. Still they leave room for the indies & intelligent cinema.

Select one specific genre and describe the similarities and differences in its portrayal by each approach.
Hunger Games show long shots of arenas & stadiums. The low-budget films give many quick-cuts focus on longer dialogue shots such as in Napoleon Dynamite where Napoleon explains about the liger his most favorite animal which emphasizes comedic aspects in the movie. The Big-budget film shows more close ups for bringing prominence to famous stars which the movie features. While on the other hand low-budget films do not rely on the star power of the actor to be an audience draw. They focus on thrilling or comic aspects of a film and on dramatic themes which do not depend on CGI which they cannot afford because of high costs.

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